Tag Archives: AOTY
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 7

Welcome to day 24 of my annual ‘Album of the Year – top 30 countdown’. Thank you everyone for the absolutely wonderful support throughout this series. It is a list that I put a lot of effort in to because I want the bands and albums featured to have one final and well-deserved moment in Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 8

Welcome to day 23 in my ‘Album of the Year 2016’ top 30 countdown. It seems like only yesterday that I began this series and already we’re at number 8. Cor blimey! I know I’ve said it before but because of the quality of the music this year, this has been the toughest top 10 Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 9

Welcome to day 22 of my ‘Album of the Year 2016’ top 30 countdown. Thank you for sticking with me over the past month or so, the support has been brilliant and it gives me the inspiration to keep going. From 30 to 10 so far, every single album featured so far has been worthy Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 10

Finally, after what seems like an age, my ‘Album of the Year 2016’ top 30 countdown reaches the top 10, those ten albums that have made the biggest impact upon me over the past year. As I’ve said many times throughout this series, this isn’t anything other than one person’s personal thoughts on the year Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 11

Welcome to day 20 of my ‘Album of the Year 2016’ top 30 countdown. I’m exactly two-thirds the way through this mammoth annual undertaking and the quality music just keeps on coming and keeps on getting better and better. To those of you who have been with me since the beginning, I thank you. To Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 12

Welcome to day 19 of my ‘Album of the Year 2016’ top 30 countdown. Anyone else getting excited as I near the top 10? I hope so, otherwise all this effort has been for nothing! Anyway, no long introduction today as I’m eager to bring you my choice at number 12. Just a reminder to Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 13

Another day arrives and with it, comes another album in my ‘Album of the Year 2016’ top 30 countdown. For a change, I’m going to go straight into the main body of this post without any delay other than to remind readers that you can get links to all of the other posts in this Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 14

Hello and welcome to the latest post in my Album of the Year 2016 top 30 countdown, one man’s lone opinion in a tumultuous worldwide sea of opinions about music. As I have said before, I am picking my albums based on one thing: the impact that they have made on me during the past Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 15

I can’t quite believe that I am already half-way through my ‘Album of the Year 2016’ top 30 countdown. It doesn’t seem like five minutes ago that I was contemplating starting out of this annual journey and yet, here we are. 15 albums down, 15 to go. I hope you have enjoyed the posts in Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 16

Welcome to the latest post in my ‘Album of the Year 2016’ top 30 countdown series. We’re getting to the point where I had to start really thinking hard about the albums left and the effect that each of them had on me over the year, so as to place them correctly within this list. Continue Reading »