Tag Archives: avant-garde
Arcturus – Arcturian – Album Review

Artist: Arcturus Album Title: Arcturian Label: Prophecy Productions Year Of Release: 2015 ‘Idiosynchratically beautiful’. These are two words that have stuck with me for nearly 20 years and which I recall almost every time I hear or read the name Arcturus. These words were quoted on an advert for the Norwegian band’s 1997 release, ‘La Continue Reading »
Sigh – Graveward – Album Review

Artist: Sigh Album Title: Graveward Label: Candlelight Records Year of Release: 2015 Sigh are one of those bands that I never managed to get into. Mind you, I was probably guilty of just the one attempt before discarding them. In my defence, it was in my more formative years of black metal discovery and the Continue Reading »