Tag Archives: CD collection
My CD Obsession

In previous blogs, I have already spoken about my CD collection, how I’m proud of it and how it has grown over the years. However, today I want to delve a bit further and discuss why it is that I am obsessed with CDs to the extent that I am. Firstly, it must be said Continue Reading »
The Internet, Heavy Metal & Me

Over the past few years, the music industry has changed almost beyond recognition thanks almost entirely to the rise of the Internet. You can bemoan this revolution, resent it as much as you want and even blame it for certain things. The demise of the independent record store (see previous blog) is one of the Continue Reading »
My Top 5 Albums Of All Time

This has been a very hard blog to write. Even now, as you read this, I’m sure that I’ve already changed my mind a hundred times. However, as I write, these are what I currently consider to be my top 5 albums of all time. Many of you will agree, many more will disagree, perhaps Continue Reading »