Tag Archives: Children Of Bodom
Writing About Metal Is Great…But It’s Not Always Easy

As previous blog posts have demonstrated, I absolutely love being a part of the metal scene by writing for Powerplay Magazine, Ghost Cult webzine and ThisIsNotAScene website. It gives me the opportunity to offer my thoughts on a plethora of good, bad and indifferent music within this varied and exciting scene of ours. As a Continue Reading »
The Surprise of The Support Act

Whether we like to admit it or not, from time to time we all have the same thought about a gig – ‘why couldn’t the headliner just play an extra-long set and get rid of the support band altogether?’ I look at the line-up and consider my plan of action. Do I get to the Continue Reading »
The Heavy Metal ‘Family’

The biggest reason for loving heavy metal is the music itself. No other genre of music gives me the same pleasure and satisfaction that metal does, in almost all of its myriad forms. I also love the fact that since its birth in the 70s thanks to Black Sabbath and Co., it has refused to Continue Reading »
Festival Fever – The UK’s Best

Festival season may be nearly over for another year, but it’s never the wrong time to talk about them and engage in a little reminiscing. First up, a selection of UK festivals from the point of view of the Man Of Much Metal… The very first festival that I attended was Bloodstock in 2004. Since Continue Reading »