Tag Archives: Haken
An Evening with Haken – A Live Review

An Evening with Haken – A Live Review. For this blog post, I thought I’d combine a couple of things, kill two birds with one stone, so to speak: offer readers my first ever live review for this blog and at the same time, offer a personal insight into my gig-going experience, from start to Continue Reading »
The Excitement Of The New Album Release

Hands up how many of you still get that excitement from a new album release? You know the feeling – that eager anticipation which begins the moment you find out a particular band is going to be releasing a new album. The eager anticipation that begins to turn into barely controlled impatience so that, on Continue Reading »
If Only Everyone In the Music Industry Did It Right

The work that I do for Powerplay Magazine and to a slightly lesser extent ThisIsNotAScene and Ghost Cult, I do for the love of the music. I don’t get paid for it. Whilst I’d love to be remunerated for it, the biggest payment I get is non-financial. It’s the buzz of seeing my name in Continue Reading »
Being a Metal Head in the Middle of Nowhere

Today’s topic may resonate with many of you. I certainly hope so, anyway. It’s all about being a music fan outside of any of the big metropolis’ and the challenges this can present. Ok, so I don’t exactly live in the middle of nowhere, but I may as well do. I reside in Ipswich, the Continue Reading »
Interviewing My Musical Heroes – The Ups & Downs

There are many great things about writing for a music magazine. From getting to hear albums before their official release, to gaining entry to gigs on press passes and getting access to the photo pit, it’s all good. However, the one aspect that I both love and fear the most is the interview. Over the Continue Reading »
Progpower Europe – the greatest festival ever?

The 2012 edition of Progpower Europe is right around the corner but, as a brand new Dad, I cannot attend for the third year in a row. I’m disappointed, but the adventure I have embarked upon at home makes up for the disappointment no end. Nevertheless, I shall not be travelling to Baarlo in the Continue Reading »
The Internet, Heavy Metal & Me

Over the past few years, the music industry has changed almost beyond recognition thanks almost entirely to the rise of the Internet. You can bemoan this revolution, resent it as much as you want and even blame it for certain things. The demise of the independent record store (see previous blog) is one of the Continue Reading »
My Top 5 Albums Of All Time

This has been a very hard blog to write. Even now, as you read this, I’m sure that I’ve already changed my mind a hundred times. However, as I write, these are what I currently consider to be my top 5 albums of all time. Many of you will agree, many more will disagree, perhaps Continue Reading »