Tag Archives: HMV
The Excitement Of The New Album Release

Hands up how many of you still get that excitement from a new album release? You know the feeling – that eager anticipation which begins the moment you find out a particular band is going to be releasing a new album. The eager anticipation that begins to turn into barely controlled impatience so that, on Continue Reading »
Being a Metal Head in the Middle of Nowhere

Today’s topic may resonate with many of you. I certainly hope so, anyway. It’s all about being a music fan outside of any of the big metropolis’ and the challenges this can present. Ok, so I don’t exactly live in the middle of nowhere, but I may as well do. I reside in Ipswich, the Continue Reading »
The Magic of The Independent Record Shop

This is a topic that I know has been discussed many times over the past few years but it’s one that I still think is both sad and important: the decline of the independent record shop. As I have already alluded to in previous blogs, many of my positive experiences with music have in some Continue Reading »