Tag Archives: interview
Evergrey – Interview – “It’s a completely different band now”

Seeing as the very excellent Evergrey were making the effort to travel to the UK in support of the magnificent new album, ‘Hymns For The Broken’, I felt it would be rude not to make an appearance to support my favourite band and hopefully say ‘hi’ to my Swedish buddies. I arrive in Camden and, Continue Reading »
Abnormal Thought Patterns – Interview – ‘This was probably the most challenging album I’ve had to do’

The Tipton brothers are big names within progressive metal circles. The hugely talented twins were responsible for the technical progressive metal behemoth that was Zero Hour and, since then, have created Cynthesis and Abnormal Thought Patterns, both quite different from Zero Hour and from each other but both delivering music of the very highest calibre. Continue Reading »
Earthside – Interview Part 1 – “it will defy a lot of expectations in a good way”

It is rare that I undertake an interview with a band about which I know very little. Normally, I have been fortunate enough to hear the album in advance of the interview or, if it’s an established band, I can do my homework and be prepared. In the case of Earthside, they are a new Continue Reading »
Kingcrow – Eidos – Track-by-Track Interview – Part 1

I spoke with Kingcrow mainman Diego Cafolla a few months back at the time when writing had just been completed for album number six, ‘Eidos’. Fast forward several weeks and we’re now on the eve of its release on June 23rd. It stood out as one of my most anticipated album releases of 2015 and Continue Reading »
Triaxis – An Interview with ‘the metalhead’s metal band’

It’s not often a band is afforded a strapline as bold and grand as ‘the metalhead’s metal band’ but that’s exactly how South Wales-based heavy metal band Triaxis are described in certain quarters. With two albums under their belt to date, with a steadily-growing reputation and a loyal fan base, things are looking rather splendid Continue Reading »
Native Construct – Interview – “if this music was not considered odd, I have no idea if I’d be interested in making it”

It is rare these days that I find myself so daunted by an album or by a band. However, that’s probably the best adjective I can use to describe how I felt upon listening to Native Construct and their progressive metal debut, ‘Quiet World’ for the first time. It’s not an album that can be Continue Reading »
Distorted Harmony – Interview – “I hope that people will care more about the music than where we’re from”

I was so blown away by ‘Chain Reaction’, the sophomore release by Israel’s Distorted Harmony that I felt compelled to undertake an interview with the band to supplement the album review that was recently featured in Powerplay Magazine. The conversation that I undertook with keyboardist and founding member, Yoav Efron was a real pleasure and, Continue Reading »
Two Years of the Blog Of Much Metal

It has now been two years since I began this heavy metal blog following intense pressure from some circles. What started as an exercise in quieting the mob has blossomed into a labour of love and something I am very passionate about. Over the two years, I have been able to write material based on Continue Reading »
Evergrey – Hymns For The Broken – Interview: “It Has Surpassed All Our Expectations”

The Electronic Press Kit for ‘Hymns For The Broken’: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc3e49uCqBU&w=560&h=315] It is not often that I get personally invited by an artist to interview them for this little blog of mine. However, that was exactly the reality with which I was faced recently when I was contacted directly by none other than Mr Tom Continue Reading »
Maschine – An Interview with the UK Prog Rockers

Maschine is the chosen moniker for the latest UK-based band to catch the attention of the progressive rock community. I didn’t hesitate when I was offered the opportunity to chat with band mastermind and founder Luke Machin. It is not the greatest of starts to the interview if I’m being entirely honest. I’m playing Maschine’s Continue Reading »