Tag Archives: Motorhead
Being a Metal Head in the Middle of Nowhere

Today’s topic may resonate with many of you. I certainly hope so, anyway. It’s all about being a music fan outside of any of the big metropolis’ and the challenges this can present. Ok, so I don’t exactly live in the middle of nowhere, but I may as well do. I reside in Ipswich, the Continue Reading »
A Confessional: Music I should love…but don’t…or not as much as I should!

How do you follow up a blog about your Top 5 albums of all time? The only way I can think of is to do a complete ‘180’ and look at some of those bands, albums or sub-genres that perhaps don’t do it for me like I think that they should, or how others think Continue Reading »
Heavy Metal Is Not Fashion, It’s A Way Of Life

This was not going to be my next topic but following a comment on my last blog and a few rumblings across social media of late, I thought I’d tackle it now: the hijack of rock and metal by the high street. When I was in my teens and getting seriously into metal, you had Continue Reading »