Tag Archives: Nevermore
Warrel Dane – Shadow Work – Album Review
Artist: Warrel Dane Album Title: Shadow Work Label: Century Media Records Date of Release: 26 October 2018 It is rare that I find myself so conflicted when faced with a music review. Normally, I’ll listen, decide if I like it and then either comment accordingly or ignore the record. This album is very different. Firstly, Continue Reading »
Witherfall – Nocturnes And Requiems – Album Review
Artist: Witherfall Album Title: Nocturnes and Requiems Label: Independent Release Date of release: 10 February 2017 I’m going to start this review in a blunt manner: I am enjoying the hell out of this album. With that in mind, allow me to elaborate in a style more familiar to those who follow this site. ‘Nocturnes Continue Reading »
Ghost Ship Octavius – Ghost Ship Octavius – Album Review

Artist: Ghost Ship Octavius Album Title: Ghost Ship Octavius Label: Independent Release Date Of Release: 2015 What I’m about to say might shock you. There are some of you who might even vehemently disagree. But it is true, I can assure you. I am human and I am fallible. I know this for sure Continue Reading »
Beholder – Reflections – Album Review

Artist: Beholder Album Title: Reflections Label: Razorline Music Date of Release: 12 April 2016 If I had to sum up the music of UK metal band Beholder in four words, my instant reply would be: ‘heavy, uncompromising, honest and intense’. ‘Reflections’ is the Coventry/Leicester-based metallers’ third full length recording over a career that has spanned Continue Reading »
Album Of The Year 2015 – Number 10

And I’m back! After more food and drink than it’s socially acceptable to admit to, I’m ready to crack on with my ‘Album of the Year 2015’ top 30 countdown. It has been a long journey to this point but I’m finally beginning my Top 10. Given the strength of 2015, you can rest assured Continue Reading »
Heavy Metal is not just shouty music

I have just about had enough of people indiscriminately pre-judging and discarding heavy metal as ‘shouty’ or ‘just noise’. I admit that some of it is exactly both of these things and I love it. I mean, you’d have to be a brave person to argue that the noise subgenre is not noise. And you’d Continue Reading »
Essential Metal Releases Still To Come In 2014 – Part 1

Welcome to my quick run-down of those albums I’m looking forward to being released in the latter half of 2014. I’ve already gone into some detail about the album that I’m most looking forward to, Evergrey’s ‘Hymns For The Broken’, but there are plenty more albums that are high on my radar. Want to know Continue Reading »
Unknown & Underrated – Redemption

After almost no activity for over a month, I’m on a roll again and so today, I bring to you my latest musical recommendation as part of my ‘Unknown & Underrated’ series (links to the others can be found below). The spotlight once again falls on the progressive metal genre but I make no apologies Continue Reading »
The Surprise of The Support Act

Whether we like to admit it or not, from time to time we all have the same thought about a gig – ‘why couldn’t the headliner just play an extra-long set and get rid of the support band altogether?’ I look at the line-up and consider my plan of action. Do I get to the Continue Reading »