Tag Archives: Opeth
Album Of The Year 2014 – Number 20

Well, here we are again at year’s end. I can’t quite believe that another year has passed and that I’m embarking upon another end of year countdown. Much has happened over the past 12 months and in many ways I’m surprised that the blog is still going. External pressures and a growing family has meant Continue Reading »
Essential Metal Releases Still To Come In 2014 – Part 1

Welcome to my quick run-down of those albums I’m looking forward to being released in the latter half of 2014. I’ve already gone into some detail about the album that I’m most looking forward to, Evergrey’s ‘Hymns For The Broken’, but there are plenty more albums that are high on my radar. Want to know Continue Reading »
A Confessional: Music I should love…but don’t…or not as much as I should!

How do you follow up a blog about your Top 5 albums of all time? The only way I can think of is to do a complete ‘180’ and look at some of those bands, albums or sub-genres that perhaps don’t do it for me like I think that they should, or how others think Continue Reading »