Tag Archives: Pathosray
Most Anticipated Metal Releases of 2016 – Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of my series looking at my most anticipated album releases during 2016. It hasn’t taken much time to compile a long list of records that I believe are due out during the year, meaning that if even 75% of this lot see the light of day in the coming 11 months, Continue Reading »
Essential Metal Releases Still To Come in 2015 – Part 3

Isn’t it always the way? You think you’ve finished a series or a project, only to be proved wrong almost immediately! In my case, I’d gone through all of the albums that I was still looking forward to during 2015 and thought I’d exhausted every avenue. It turns out that I missed a few. Therefore, Continue Reading »
Most Anticipated Album Releases of 2015 – Part 4

I know, I know, it’s getting a little silly now isn’t it? I’m beginning to lose count but here are another ten or so bands that either are or may be likely to release new material during 2015. It was all sparked by the first band in my list who I only just realised were Continue Reading »