Tag Archives: rock
Waken Eyes – Exodus – Album Review

Artist: Waken Eyes Album Title: Exodus Label: Ulterium Records Year Of Release: 2015 I don’t like the description ‘super group’; it conjures up too many negative connotations including the falsehood that the group of musicians themselves subscribe to the notion of being super or better than other bands. Occasionally, this might be the case but Continue Reading »
Caligula’s Horse – Bloom – Album Review

Artist: Caligula’s Horse Album Title: Bloom Label: InsideOut Music Year Of Release: 2015 When I recently wrote about the strength of the Australian heavy metal scene, one of the bands that I used to illustrate my point was Caligula’s Horse. The progressive rock/metal band from Brisbane had not long before released the magnificent ‘The Tide, Continue Reading »
Amorphis – Under The Red Cloud – Album Review

Artist: Amorphis Album Title: Under The Red Cloud Label: Nuclear Blast Year Of Release: 2015 Throughout their career, Amorphis have been one of those bands that have achieved something rather special. Theirs is an approach and a sound that has evolved over the years from more of a dark/death metal blueprint, to the self-titled ‘melancholic Continue Reading »
Earthside – Interview Part 2 – “we will be a band that people won’t get totally on a first listen”

A while back, I had the pleasure of an in-depth conversation with Ben Shanbrom, drummer with Earthside, a new band on the block that threatens to become the hottest new prospect in the progressive music world. You think I’m being overly hyperbolic? Listen to this for starters: Now I have your attention, you may like Continue Reading »
Spock’s Beard – The Oblivion Particle – Album Review

Artist: Spock’s Beard Album Title: The Oblivion Particle Label: InsideOut Music Year Of Release: 2015 If 2015 was already a strong year for progressive rock music, it is just about to get even stronger, thanks to this little beauty of an album. I am of course referring to Spock’s Beard’s latest offering, ‘The Oblivion Particle’. Continue Reading »
Agent Fresco – Destrier – Album Review

Artist: Agent Fresco Album Title: Destrier Label: Long Branch Records / SPV Year Of Release: 2015 My thoughts and feelings towards the musical talent emanating from Iceland are well documented on the Blog Of Much Metal. Indeed, I even wrote an entire commentary on the music from one of my most favourite places on Earth. Continue Reading »
Between The Buried And Me – Coma Ecliptic – Album Review

Artist: Between The Buried And Me Album Title: Coma Ecliptic Label: Metal Blade Year Of Release: 2015 I may just be the only progressive music fan that has come to this band so late and via a complete fluke. Had it not been for Haken scoring the support slot for an upcoming Between The Buried Continue Reading »
Essential Metal Releases Still To Come in 2015 – Part 1

Given the abundance of quality music already released during 2015, it is hard to believe that we are only halfway through the year. It has been that good, I already have a quality top 20 albums that could easily populate my end of year list. But for those who broadly share my tastes in music, Continue Reading »
Earthside – Interview Part 1 – “it will defy a lot of expectations in a good way”

It is rare that I undertake an interview with a band about which I know very little. Normally, I have been fortunate enough to hear the album in advance of the interview or, if it’s an established band, I can do my homework and be prepared. In the case of Earthside, they are a new Continue Reading »
District 97 – In Vaults – Album Review

Artist: District 97 Album Title: In Vaults Label: Laser’s Edge Year Of Release: 2015 How long do you give it before you give up on an album? One spin? Five? More? As a reviewer and a lover of music, it’s one of those difficult conundrums for which I don’t believe there’s a cast-iron answer. I Continue Reading »