Tag Archives: rock
Unknown & Underrated – Part 6

In part 6 of my ‘unknown & underrated’ series, looking at bands & albums that I feel need a lot more exposure. In this post, I look at a melodic death metal band, a black metal/avant-garde metal band and a neo-prog rock band. I hope there’s something here that you find to enjoy! You can Continue Reading »
My Biggest Musical Inspiration

In previous blogs, I have taken a look at the way in which my musical education took shape, from day one to the present. Within these posts, I have made mention of a number of decisions that have shaped the way in which I’ve discovered the music that I have. I have also, to a Continue Reading »
Interviewing My Musical Heroes – The Ups & Downs

There are many great things about writing for a music magazine. From getting to hear albums before their official release, to gaining entry to gigs on press passes and getting access to the photo pit, it’s all good. However, the one aspect that I both love and fear the most is the interview. Over the Continue Reading »
Unknown & Underrated – Part 4

In the fourth instalment of my ‘Unknown & Underrated’ series, I look at three very different bands, covering a wide range of genres. It is arguable that these bands are less unknown or underrated than others within the series but, from my perspective as a metal head in the UK, they are still in need Continue Reading »
Unknown & Underrated – Part 3

In my third installment of uncovering underrated bands/albums I take a look at a power metal band, a black metal band that is so much more than just black metal and a progressive rock band that begs to be heard by a much wider audience. If you’ve missed the previous installments, check out Part 1 Continue Reading »
Unknown & Underrated – Part 1

Recently, a group of fellow rock and metal fans made a new musical discovery and it got me thinking. The discovery was not of a particularly underground band. In fact, the name Soilwork is known quite extensively throughout the metal world. Contemporaries and compatriots of In Flames, Dark Tranquillity and a whole host of other Continue Reading »
Progpower Europe – the greatest festival ever?

The 2012 edition of Progpower Europe is right around the corner but, as a brand new Dad, I cannot attend for the third year in a row. I’m disappointed, but the adventure I have embarked upon at home makes up for the disappointment no end. Nevertheless, I shall not be travelling to Baarlo in the Continue Reading »
The Surprise of The Support Act

Whether we like to admit it or not, from time to time we all have the same thought about a gig – ‘why couldn’t the headliner just play an extra-long set and get rid of the support band altogether?’ I look at the line-up and consider my plan of action. Do I get to the Continue Reading »
The Heavy Metal ‘Family’

The biggest reason for loving heavy metal is the music itself. No other genre of music gives me the same pleasure and satisfaction that metal does, in almost all of its myriad forms. I also love the fact that since its birth in the 70s thanks to Black Sabbath and Co., it has refused to Continue Reading »
My CD Obsession

In previous blogs, I have already spoken about my CD collection, how I’m proud of it and how it has grown over the years. However, today I want to delve a bit further and discuss why it is that I am obsessed with CDs to the extent that I am. Firstly, it must be said Continue Reading »