Tag Archives: Silvio Massaro
Neverworld – Dreamsnatcher – Album Review

Artist: Neverworld Album Title: Dreamsnatcher Label: Dream Demon Recordings Date of Release: 4 March 2016 It is fair to say that the name Neverworld has been on my radar for some time but I’d never taken the plunge for one reason or another until now, upon the release of their second album, ‘Dreamsnatcher’. Over the Continue Reading »
Album of the Year 2014 – Number 9

We’re into single figures now in the Blog Of Much Metal Album of the Year 2014 countdown. It has been a real challenge this year due to increasing pressures on my time but I feel compelled to continue so that I can offer my thoughts on the best music that the rock and metal worlds Continue Reading »
Heavy Metal is not just shouty music

I have just about had enough of people indiscriminately pre-judging and discarding heavy metal as ‘shouty’ or ‘just noise’. I admit that some of it is exactly both of these things and I love it. I mean, you’d have to be a brave person to argue that the noise subgenre is not noise. And you’d Continue Reading »
Unknown & Underrated – Part 1

Recently, a group of fellow rock and metal fans made a new musical discovery and it got me thinking. The discovery was not of a particularly underground band. In fact, the name Soilwork is known quite extensively throughout the metal world. Contemporaries and compatriots of In Flames, Dark Tranquillity and a whole host of other Continue Reading »