Tag Archives: Swedish metal
Evergrey – Hymns For The Broken – Interview: “It Has Surpassed All Our Expectations”

The Electronic Press Kit for ‘Hymns For The Broken’: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc3e49uCqBU&w=560&h=315] It is not often that I get personally invited by an artist to interview them for this little blog of mine. However, that was exactly the reality with which I was faced recently when I was contacted directly by none other than Mr Tom Continue Reading »
Unknown & Underrated – Wolverine

Today’s choice of band in my Unknown & Underrated series sees me returning to the progressive genre. This is deliberate because the band in question is a criminally underrated and unknown gem from Sweden, namely Wolverine. Hailing from a combination of Stockholm and Soderhamn, Wolverine have been in existence since 1995 and have released a Continue Reading »
Unknown & Underrated – Darkwater

Anyone who has been reading this blog since the early days will recognise my ‘unknown and underrated’ series of posts. In this series, I hoped to shine the spotlight on bands that I felt were drastically underrated or worse, unknown to the larger rock/metal populous for one reason or another. Each blog mentioned three bands Continue Reading »