Tag Archives: ThisIsNotAScene
If Only Everyone In the Music Industry Did It Right

The work that I do for Powerplay Magazine and to a slightly lesser extent ThisIsNotAScene and Ghost Cult, I do for the love of the music. I don’t get paid for it. Whilst I’d love to be remunerated for it, the biggest payment I get is non-financial. It’s the buzz of seeing my name in Continue Reading »
My Top 20 of 2012 – Number 2

We’ve reached the penultimate day in my Top 20 rock and metal albums of 2012 countdown. As ever, links to all my other posts in this series can be found below if you’re new to my blog or have missed any along the way – there’s a good mix of genres I think, so I Continue Reading »
Writing About Metal Is Great…But It’s Not Always Easy

As previous blog posts have demonstrated, I absolutely love being a part of the metal scene by writing for Powerplay Magazine, Ghost Cult webzine and ThisIsNotAScene website. It gives me the opportunity to offer my thoughts on a plethora of good, bad and indifferent music within this varied and exciting scene of ours. As a Continue Reading »
My Biggest Musical Inspiration

In previous blogs, I have taken a look at the way in which my musical education took shape, from day one to the present. Within these posts, I have made mention of a number of decisions that have shaped the way in which I’ve discovered the music that I have. I have also, to a Continue Reading »
The Internet, Heavy Metal & Me

Over the past few years, the music industry has changed almost beyond recognition thanks almost entirely to the rise of the Internet. You can bemoan this revolution, resent it as much as you want and even blame it for certain things. The demise of the independent record store (see previous blog) is one of the Continue Reading »
Scribbling or Journalism? The Discovery of a New Hobby

As you may be able to tell from my previous blogs, music is just about the most important thing in my life. Of course, my family will always come first but unless my football team is doing exceptionally well (that never happens!), music takes up every spare minute of my time. I suppose therefore that Continue Reading »
The Man Of Much Metal blogs…

Hi, After a lot of nagging from various quarters, I have decided to give this blogging lark a go. I know, I know, I’m late to the party, but you’ll have to forgive me as my spare time is at a premium these days. Not only do I have a baby on the way (it Continue Reading »