Tag Archives: USA
Album Of The Year 2015 – Number 29

Welcome to day two of my ‘Album Of The Year 2015’ countdown. If you missed the opening instalment of what is a series that will either make or break me, you can check it out right here: Album of the Year 2015 – Number 30. Additionally, if you missed my similar countdowns from the past Continue Reading »
District 97 – In Vaults – Album Review

Artist: District 97 Album Title: In Vaults Label: Laser’s Edge Year Of Release: 2015 How long do you give it before you give up on an album? One spin? Five? More? As a reviewer and a lover of music, it’s one of those difficult conundrums for which I don’t believe there’s a cast-iron answer. I Continue Reading »
Unknown & Underrated – Agalloch

My ‘Unknown & Underrated’ series continues apace with another very worthy band attracting the spotlight. If you’re interested in reading the other entries in this series, they can be accessed via the following links: Darkwater Subsignal Redemption Omnium Gatherum Wolverine But enough of that, on to today’s main event: There are those of you who Continue Reading »