Tag Archives: Warrel Dane
Warrel Dane – Shadow Work – Album Review
Artist: Warrel Dane Album Title: Shadow Work Label: Century Media Records Date of Release: 26 October 2018 It is rare that I find myself so conflicted when faced with a music review. Normally, I’ll listen, decide if I like it and then either comment accordingly or ignore the record. This album is very different. Firstly, Continue Reading »
Ghost Ship Octavius – Ghost Ship Octavius – Album Review

Artist: Ghost Ship Octavius Album Title: Ghost Ship Octavius Label: Independent Release Date Of Release: 2015 What I’m about to say might shock you. There are some of you who might even vehemently disagree. But it is true, I can assure you. I am human and I am fallible. I know this for sure Continue Reading »
Heavy Metal is not just shouty music

I have just about had enough of people indiscriminately pre-judging and discarding heavy metal as ‘shouty’ or ‘just noise’. I admit that some of it is exactly both of these things and I love it. I mean, you’d have to be a brave person to argue that the noise subgenre is not noise. And you’d Continue Reading »