Tag Archives: Winter’s Gate
Album of the Year 2016 – Number 14

Hello and welcome to the latest post in my Album of the Year 2016 top 30 countdown, one man’s lone opinion in a tumultuous worldwide sea of opinions about music. As I have said before, I am picking my albums based on one thing: the impact that they have made on me during the past Continue Reading »
Insomnium – Winter’s Gate – Album Review

Artist: Insomnium Album Title: Winter’s Gate Label: Century Media Records Date Of Release: 23 September 2016 I am a big fan of melodic death metal, a genre normally considered to be the preserve of the Swedes who helped to create the very movement. However, over the past few years, Finland have muscled onto the scene Continue Reading »
Essential rock & metal releases still to come in 2016 – Part 3

Welcome to the third and final part of my series looking at those bands & albums that I either know or hope will be released during the second half of 2016. If you missed the first two instalments, here they are for your delectation: Essential rock & metal releases still to come in 2016 – Continue Reading »