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Tag Archives: Israel

Album of the Year 2014 – Number 7

Welcome to Number 7 in my Album of the Year 2014 countdown. Thanks for sticking with me. One of the biggest joys I get from this blog is being able to write about music that might, otherwise, not get as much exposure as I think it should. Today’s pick is exactly one of those bands.  Continue Reading »

Distorted Harmony – Interview – “I hope that people will care more about the music than where we’re from”

I was so blown away by ‘Chain Reaction’, the sophomore release by Israel’s Distorted Harmony that I felt compelled to undertake an interview with the band to supplement the album review that was recently featured in Powerplay Magazine. The conversation that I undertook with keyboardist and founding member, Yoav Efron was a real pleasure and,  Continue Reading »

All written content, opinions, reviews and interviews published on this website are created by Matt Spall

Artwork design by: Mattias Norén

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