Tag Archives: Dragonforce
My Route to Becoming A Metalhead

One of the most fascinating conversations I have with fellow music lovers and metalheads in particular is about the route they took when discovering this magnificent genre of music. Everybody has a different journey, one that inevitably leads to a different ending. Sure, we may all like roughly the same bands, but it is rare Continue Reading »
Rock And Metal Releases in 2012 – The Best Of The Rest (Part 3)

Today sees the last instalment of a series of blogs looking at albums that did not make my Top 20 rock and metal albums of 2012 for one reason or another. The final two albums that I have chosen offer very different listening experiences but are both excellent in their own right. Something here for Continue Reading »
My Top 20 of 2012 – Number 9

Day 12 in my Top 20 metal albums of 2012 countdown. I hope you have enjoyed the previous 11 days. If you have missed any of them, links can be found at the bottom of this post. I Am I ‘Event Horizon’ Zee Pee Tee Records After leaving the massively successful Dragonforce, vocalist ZP Theart Continue Reading »
Writing About Metal Is Great…But It’s Not Always Easy

As previous blog posts have demonstrated, I absolutely love being a part of the metal scene by writing for Powerplay Magazine, Ghost Cult webzine and ThisIsNotAScene website. It gives me the opportunity to offer my thoughts on a plethora of good, bad and indifferent music within this varied and exciting scene of ours. As a Continue Reading »