Tag Archives: Evergrey
2013 Is Not Finished Yet

Having gone through some of my favourite released so far from 2013, I thought I’d turn my attention to the remainder of the year and highlight some of those albums that I personally, am looking forward to being released. Based on the following list, it threatens to be another strong six months… Haken – “The Continue Reading »
If Only Everyone In the Music Industry Did It Right

The work that I do for Powerplay Magazine and to a slightly lesser extent ThisIsNotAScene and Ghost Cult, I do for the love of the music. I don’t get paid for it. Whilst I’d love to be remunerated for it, the biggest payment I get is non-financial. It’s the buzz of seeing my name in Continue Reading »
Being a Metal Head in the Middle of Nowhere

Today’s topic may resonate with many of you. I certainly hope so, anyway. It’s all about being a music fan outside of any of the big metropolis’ and the challenges this can present. Ok, so I don’t exactly live in the middle of nowhere, but I may as well do. I reside in Ipswich, the Continue Reading »
A Night To Remember – My Favourite Gig of All-Time

At the risk of being accused of gross self-indulgence, I would like to take some time today to reminisce about my favourite gig of all time. Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that, with a new born baby in the house, I’m sleep deprived and in desperate need of a reminder Continue Reading »
The Heavy Metal ‘Family’

The biggest reason for loving heavy metal is the music itself. No other genre of music gives me the same pleasure and satisfaction that metal does, in almost all of its myriad forms. I also love the fact that since its birth in the 70s thanks to Black Sabbath and Co., it has refused to Continue Reading »
The Internet, Heavy Metal & Me

Over the past few years, the music industry has changed almost beyond recognition thanks almost entirely to the rise of the Internet. You can bemoan this revolution, resent it as much as you want and even blame it for certain things. The demise of the independent record store (see previous blog) is one of the Continue Reading »
My Top 5 Albums Of All Time

This has been a very hard blog to write. Even now, as you read this, I’m sure that I’ve already changed my mind a hundred times. However, as I write, these are what I currently consider to be my top 5 albums of all time. Many of you will agree, many more will disagree, perhaps Continue Reading »
Festival Fever – The UK’s Best

Festival season may be nearly over for another year, but it’s never the wrong time to talk about them and engage in a little reminiscing. First up, a selection of UK festivals from the point of view of the Man Of Much Metal… The very first festival that I attended was Bloodstock in 2004. Since Continue Reading »
The Man Of Much Metal – the post-Uni days

The search for even more new music continued as I left University and put my foot on the first rung of the career ladder. Saddled with the ubiquitous student debt but with more money in my back pocket, I was able to buy more music than ever before. The Internet was also a great help Continue Reading »