Tag Archives: Katatonia
Caligula’s Horse – Bloom – Album Review

Artist: Caligula’s Horse Album Title: Bloom Label: InsideOut Music Year Of Release: 2015 When I recently wrote about the strength of the Australian heavy metal scene, one of the bands that I used to illustrate my point was Caligula’s Horse. The progressive rock/metal band from Brisbane had not long before released the magnificent ‘The Tide, Continue Reading »
Essential Metal Releases Still To Come in 2015 – Part 1

Given the abundance of quality music already released during 2015, it is hard to believe that we are only halfway through the year. It has been that good, I already have a quality top 20 albums that could easily populate my end of year list. But for those who broadly share my tastes in music, Continue Reading »
Klone – Here Comes The Sun – Album Review

Artist: Klone Album Title: Here Comes The Sun Label: Pelagic Records Year Of Release: 2015 One spin of this disc and the irony of the album title will loom large; ‘Here Comes The Sun’ is not a record full of funeral doom, black metal or brutal death but the content is certainly dark, bleak and Continue Reading »
Most Anticipated Album Releases of 2015 – Part 4

I know, I know, it’s getting a little silly now isn’t it? I’m beginning to lose count but here are another ten or so bands that either are or may be likely to release new material during 2015. It was all sparked by the first band in my list who I only just realised were Continue Reading »
Heavy Metal is not just shouty music

I have just about had enough of people indiscriminately pre-judging and discarding heavy metal as ‘shouty’ or ‘just noise’. I admit that some of it is exactly both of these things and I love it. I mean, you’d have to be a brave person to argue that the noise subgenre is not noise. And you’d Continue Reading »
Half-Way Through 2014 – The Best So Far – Part 2

Welcome to the second part of my series rounding up what I consider to be the best releases during the first-half of 2014. If you missed Part 1, which features a diverse few bands ranging from melodic hard rock to post-black metal shoegaze, you can access that via this link: Half-Way Through 2014 – The Continue Reading »
My Route to Becoming A Metalhead

One of the most fascinating conversations I have with fellow music lovers and metalheads in particular is about the route they took when discovering this magnificent genre of music. Everybody has a different journey, one that inevitably leads to a different ending. Sure, we may all like roughly the same bands, but it is rare Continue Reading »
An Interview with Bruce Soord & Jonas Renkse – Wisdom Of Crowds

The collaboration between The Pineapple Thief’s Bruce Soord and Katatonia’s vocalist Jonas Renkse is an intriguing one. It brings together two relatively unlikely bedfellows, one from the world of English prog rock, the other from a Swedish dark metal band. That said, the response from almost all quarters to the project known as Wisdom Of Continue Reading »
2013 Is Not Finished Yet

Having gone through some of my favourite released so far from 2013, I thought I’d turn my attention to the remainder of the year and highlight some of those albums that I personally, am looking forward to being released. Based on the following list, it threatens to be another strong six months… Haken – “The Continue Reading »
My Top 20 of 2012 – Number 2

We’ve reached the penultimate day in my Top 20 rock and metal albums of 2012 countdown. As ever, links to all my other posts in this series can be found below if you’re new to my blog or have missed any along the way – there’s a good mix of genres I think, so I Continue Reading »