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Tag Archives: Subversion

Album Of The Year 2015 – Number 30

Here we are again, at year’s end. I can’t believe that another 12 months has passed since I began my countdown for 2014, it doesn’t seem that long ago. And yet, in the intervening period, a lot has happened. My eldest daughter has started nursery whilst my youngest has changed from a new born baby  Continue Reading »

Half-Way Through 2015 – The Best So Far – Part 3

Welcome to the third and final part (unless I realise I’ve missed someone off my list) of my round-up of the best albums released in 2015 at the half-way mark of the year. As I have said before, 2015 has been exceptionally strong so far and, as such, my list is quite extensive; more so  Continue Reading »

All written content, opinions, reviews and interviews published on this website are created by Matt Spall

Artwork design by: Mattias Norén

Website design by: The Imagineering Suite © 2022