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Tag Archives: power metal

Heavy Metal is not just shouty music

I have just about had enough of people indiscriminately pre-judging and discarding heavy metal as ‘shouty’ or ‘just noise’. I admit that some of it is exactly both of these things and I love it. I mean, you’d have to be a brave person to argue that the noise subgenre is not noise. And you’d  Continue Reading »

Two Years of the Blog Of Much Metal

It has now been two years since I began this heavy metal blog following intense pressure from some circles. What started as an exercise in quieting the mob has blossomed into a labour of love and something I am very passionate about. Over the two years, I have been able to write material based on  Continue Reading »

Album Of The Year 2013 – Number 5

Hello and welcome dear friends, followers and casual readers. You join me at the business end of my mammoth ‘Album of The Year 2013’ countdown. Today, we hit the top 5, those albums that have had the biggest impact on me during 2013. Bearing in mind how amazingly strong 2013 was for new releases, it  Continue Reading »

My Route to Becoming A Metalhead

One of the most fascinating conversations I have with fellow music lovers and metalheads in particular is about the route they took when discovering this magnificent genre of music. Everybody has a different journey, one that inevitably leads to a different ending. Sure, we may all like roughly the same bands, but it is rare  Continue Reading »

2013 Is Not Finished Yet (Part 2)

My initial look at what was to come in the remainder of 2013 was based purely around albums that had confirmed release dates, that we knew would see the light of day over the next few months. But I inevitably missed a few out and in addition, I’ve been hearing a few rumours from various  Continue Reading »

Rock And Metal Releases in 2012 – The Best Of The Rest (Part 3)

Today sees the last instalment of a series of blogs looking at albums that did not make my Top 20 rock and metal albums of 2012 for one reason or another. The final two albums that I have chosen offer very different listening experiences but are both excellent in their own right. Something here for  Continue Reading »

My Top 20 of 2012 – Number 9

Day 12 in my Top 20 metal albums of 2012 countdown. I hope you have enjoyed the previous 11 days. If you have missed any of them, links can be found at the bottom of this post. I Am I ‘Event Horizon’ Zee Pee Tee Records After leaving the massively successful Dragonforce, vocalist ZP Theart  Continue Reading »

Writing About Metal Is Great…But It’s Not Always Easy

As previous blog posts have demonstrated, I absolutely love being a part of the metal scene by writing for Powerplay Magazine, Ghost Cult webzine and ThisIsNotAScene website. It gives me the opportunity to offer my thoughts on a plethora of good, bad and indifferent music within this varied and exciting scene of ours. As a  Continue Reading »

Unknown & Underrated – Part 3

In my third installment of uncovering underrated bands/albums I take a look at a power metal band, a black metal band that is so much more than just black metal and a progressive rock band that begs to be heard by a much wider audience. If you’ve missed the previous installments, check out Part 1  Continue Reading »

The Man Of Much Metal – the post-Uni days

The search for even more new music continued as I left University and put my foot on the first rung of the career ladder. Saddled with the ubiquitous student debt but with more money in my back pocket, I was able to buy more music than ever before. The Internet was also a great help  Continue Reading »

All written content, opinions, reviews and interviews published on this website are created by Matt Spall

Artwork design by: Mattias Norén

Website design by: The Imagineering Suite © 2022